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The Education Code defines Art as another way of learning and educating. Precisely because of the inclusion of education through art and art therapy gives young people with special needs opportunities and opportunities to express themselves. Various teachers show that, without having to speak or explain their state and emotions, they can, creatively, between the elements of visual and musical art, express themselves and establish communication relationships according to individual needs and preferences. In short, young people with disabilities can communicate through art what they cannot express in words. The very fact that art itself has the potential to break down barriers and barriers among young people with or without talent, with or without mental and physical disabilities, gives art and art therapy an extremely important role in the all-encompassing part.

NGO Education Code in support of the Ministry of Culture will organize activities which will take place in the coming days.

The activity organized by the NGO Education Code was implemented in Q.B. Mother Teresa Prizren. The purpose of the activity is to support Kosovar youth with disabilities of all communities to minimize discrimination by increasing their support, representation and active participation in arts and culture activities. Creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and supporting them by inviting them to be part of the project and participate in competitive artistic activities.

This activity was organized by the members of the Education Code organization, the project coordinator Havushe Jashari Islami, together with the project targeted experts and Education Code volunteers.

There are few cases when children with disabilities are offered the opportunity to have fun outside the family and school environment and to socialize with the world around them. There are few cases when they are involved in a competition, be it an artistic competition where their talent can reach the attention and exceed expectations.

This was also the reason why the NGO Education Code organized the activity within the project #Iamgifted as a symbol of the greater inclusion of children with disabilities for the best work in the visual arts. The three best works of art will be awarded three prizes.

The event was held at the Down Syndrome Kosova center together with activists Marigona Sadiku volunteer Dina Surdulli and Director Sebahate Hajdini Beqiri.

Education Code thanks the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports for the support, all participating children as well as parents who willingly attended the event.

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