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Project Activity “Different, Similar, Equal” held on 8 June at the offices of EU Information and Cultural Center in Prishtina. The activity has competitive and awareness character and its major topic was equal children’s rights regardless of their physical and mental ability, race or ethnity. Participants in the drawing competition were pupils from “Mihail Grameno” schools from Fushë Kosovë municipality and “Ibrahim Rugova” from Obilic municipality, as well as students with special needs from the Association of Deaf and Down Syndrome Kosova. Paintings which delivered the strongest messages on children’s rights were rewarded with the first, second and third place. The characteristic of the competition was the inclusion of children with special needs with other children and the very sincere cooperation between them and their equal treatment.

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Address: Zekria Cana str, No. 61
10000, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
Tel: +383 44 710 002